
About Me

Hi there! I'm David Chung.

I'm a highly motivated Computer Science graduate with a high level of focus and attention to detail, and thrive on creating high quality products. I would love the opportunity to show you what I could bring to your team.

I have professional internship experience as a Software Engineer Intern at Robert Half where I worked primarily with AWS. Since graduating, I've taught myself multiple languages/frameworks, and created full stack applications with both the MERN and LAMP stack. I also have a very strong understanding of JavaScript, React, Node, Express, HTML/CSS, Java, PHP and would be more than happy to learn any other technologies required for the job.

I’m excited for the opportunity to leverage the knowledge I’ve gained over the years, and demonstrate my commitment to creating high quality products. Enjoy your stay and feel free to reach out to me if you have any inquiries!


Front End

JavaScript, React.js, Redux.js, HTML, CSS

I've created both a full stack MERN eCommerce application as well as multiple front end React applications that utilize API's to get and display data. I also have a strong understanding of Redux and Material-UI.

Back End

Node.js, Express.js, RESTful API, Java, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB

I've utilized Node.js and Express.js to build out the backend for my eCommerce site, which featured a RESTful API with complete CRUD functionality. I also have a very strong understanding of Java and PHP.


EC2, S3, Lambda, IAM, CloudWatch, KMS, CloudFormation, SES

I worked with these as a Software Engineer Intern at Robert Half. My primary responsibility was automating maintenance tasks and moving them to the cloud.


Luxury Motors

Full Stack MERN eCommerce application featuring a RESTful API, Redux for managing application state, and modern design principles with Material-UI. Users can shop for cars, add/remove them from a cart, cart data persists on site close/refresh.

Cryptocurrency Price Tracker

React application that uses the CodeGecko API to get real time cryptocurrency prices. Users can search for a specific cryptocurrency, sort by various parameters, or expand for more info. Also includes a Dark Mode toggle.

Pokedex API Website

React application that uses Axios to request data from the PokeAPI API and display it.

To-Do List

To-Do List Created with JavaScript

Previous Portfolio Website

This was a prior portfolio website I created.

Tank Game

2 Player game written in Java!

Contact Me


