

I'm David Chung

Welcome to my website! I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and am currently looking for a full time Software Engineer position in the Bay Area. Enjoy your stay and feel free to contact me if you have any inquiries!


About Me

Hi there! My name is David and I'm a highly motivated Computer Science graduate with great communication and problem solving skills. I am currently looking for a Software Engineer position in the Bay Area. I have software engineering experience working at Robert Half as an intern, working primarily with Amazon Web Services. I also have experience working with peers to create an eCommerce site. I'd love the opportunity to show you how I could contribute to your team!

Technical Skills


Listed below are my technical skills.

Front End

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js

Back End

Java, C++, Python, Node.js, Express.js


EC2, S3, Lambda, IAM, CloudWatch, KMS, CloudFormation, SES


Cryptocurrency Price Tracker

React application that uses the CodeGecko API to get real time cryptocurrency prices. Users can search for a specific cryptocurrency, sort by various parameters, or expand for more info. Also includes a Dark Mode toggle.

Pokedex API Website

React application that uses Axios to request data from the PokeAPI API and display it

To-Do List

To-Do List Created with JavaScript

Portfolio Website



Collaborative eCommerce Site

iOS Party App

Multiplayer party game (Swift)

Feel free to contact me!

Contact Me

Contact Me
